Tuesday, December 16, 2008

School, school, and more school.

I am really disliking school right now but I should not complain because I do not actually focus ever on anything. Nothing exciting is happening in my life right now but I am excited for the New Year's dance that Sonia hosts every year at her dance studio and I am going to get my brother Taylor to ask Garet to come because then his parents might let him because it is a boy that's asking him and not me...anyway, I gave the puppies a bath today and they were sooooo funny! They didn't know what to do because they weren't used to it, during the whole bath they were shivering they're little heads off! It was so funny! I could not stop laughing at them! So finally I washed them and got them out and took them to the living room and set them in front of the fire and then I played with them a bit and I went and cleaned up their cage and let them nurse for about ten minutes (then Sabrika was done!) and put them back in their cage and they went to sleep and didn't wake up for a while after that! It's really easy to wear out a puppy! They get tired so fast! If you play with them even for five minutes then out them back they go right to sleep!! It is soooo cute and funny! So that's all for today, maybe if something exciting happens to me then I will pst something else. Then again nothing exciting ever happens to me! Lol not really. My life is full of surprises! *sarcastic*

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