Monday, December 29, 2008

The New Year's Dance

I am so excited for the New Year's dance because we are going to perform the swing! I cannot wait! It's on Wednesday night at eight and I am giong to ask Nicole if I can borrow her dress. It's really pretty, pink and sparkly with jewels on it. It's floor-length but a little low but that doesn't matter. I love the dress and I cannot wait until we perform. I think that I am going to try to meet a friend of mine there in Rexburg because I have a Christmas present for him. I think that maybe I will be able to meet him halfway from his dance and mine and give it to him...even though it will be freezing outside...right now it's not that bad about I'd say 36 degrees or so. We had rain today instead of snow because the temperature was really high. it melted almost a foot of the snow that we have! I couldn't beleive that it melted so much! Wow, anyway so I will tell about the dance when I get home from it. Otherwise nothing else has been happening besides those messy rotten puppies. At first they were really cute when the got out because we thought they were smart, now it's just really annoying because we have to keeo putting them back and then we put them outside and then they whine and we let them in and we end up having to clean up after them anyway! But enough about puppies. I am reading this series of books about this girl who can stop time and hypnotize people and her adventures and I was about to read the next one in my possesion when I realized that I didn't have the third one! I was so dissappointed to find out that neither library in my area has it and that I have to order it even though I don't really want to! But oh well, so I am going to turn fourteen in about two weeks and I don't know what I want for my birthday. Something cool of course like home made videos or something like that. I guess I will have to look at some catalogues!

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