Monday, December 29, 2008

The New Year's Dance

I am so excited for the New Year's dance because we are going to perform the swing! I cannot wait! It's on Wednesday night at eight and I am giong to ask Nicole if I can borrow her dress. It's really pretty, pink and sparkly with jewels on it. It's floor-length but a little low but that doesn't matter. I love the dress and I cannot wait until we perform. I think that I am going to try to meet a friend of mine there in Rexburg because I have a Christmas present for him. I think that maybe I will be able to meet him halfway from his dance and mine and give it to him...even though it will be freezing outside...right now it's not that bad about I'd say 36 degrees or so. We had rain today instead of snow because the temperature was really high. it melted almost a foot of the snow that we have! I couldn't beleive that it melted so much! Wow, anyway so I will tell about the dance when I get home from it. Otherwise nothing else has been happening besides those messy rotten puppies. At first they were really cute when the got out because we thought they were smart, now it's just really annoying because we have to keeo putting them back and then we put them outside and then they whine and we let them in and we end up having to clean up after them anyway! But enough about puppies. I am reading this series of books about this girl who can stop time and hypnotize people and her adventures and I was about to read the next one in my possesion when I realized that I didn't have the third one! I was so dissappointed to find out that neither library in my area has it and that I have to order it even though I don't really want to! But oh well, so I am going to turn fourteen in about two weeks and I don't know what I want for my birthday. Something cool of course like home made videos or something like that. I guess I will have to look at some catalogues!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sick again!

I am running a fever today! I was so tired today that I didn't get up until 10 o' clock and then I didn't get much done but o well...anyway so I am super excited to go to the New Year's dance but I'm afraid that my parents won't let me go because I am not quite fourteen. But I have to go because we are going to perform there too! We are going to have the best Swing routine ever! We have a ton of turns and a dip and a sausage-roll type thing but it's like a reverse sausage-roll! The coolest thing in the world! We have dips and everything even though it is just the bronze swing it still looks super professional!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I am sick today but that does not mean I get the day off of school because since I go to an online school, no one can catch what I have so I don't have a reason to not do school. Which stinks because I really do not want to do school but o well. I wonder if you can post videos and stuff on here because my mom recorded the performance at the dance. I don't think she got a good picture of me all night! All of them were of my shoulder or the back of my head. But I got a good picture of my and Joseph but on a different camera and Romie and I got a good picture but that's on his camera so I can't really put that on here since I don't have his camera! Lol, if I can't put the performance on here I will put it on youtube and post the link here! I wonder if that will work...O well, so the puppies are growing up sooooo fast! I can not beleive that in just two weeks they will be ready to sell! I can't wait! They are starting to get on my nerves. always having to clean up after them! If we only had one or two it wouldn't be that hard but we have five and they make a huge mess! Whenever one of them gets out then the rest of them try to get out too because they don't want to get left behind! And then if Sabrika comes in they always go to nurse on her but we are trying to wean them! Not very easy unless we keep Sabrika outside! But I don't think that's fair to her so we aalways let her in!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

School, school, and more school.

I am really disliking school right now but I should not complain because I do not actually focus ever on anything. Nothing exciting is happening in my life right now but I am excited for the New Year's dance that Sonia hosts every year at her dance studio and I am going to get my brother Taylor to ask Garet to come because then his parents might let him because it is a boy that's asking him and not me...anyway, I gave the puppies a bath today and they were sooooo funny! They didn't know what to do because they weren't used to it, during the whole bath they were shivering they're little heads off! It was so funny! I could not stop laughing at them! So finally I washed them and got them out and took them to the living room and set them in front of the fire and then I played with them a bit and I went and cleaned up their cage and let them nurse for about ten minutes (then Sabrika was done!) and put them back in their cage and they went to sleep and didn't wake up for a while after that! It's really easy to wear out a puppy! They get tired so fast! If you play with them even for five minutes then out them back they go right to sleep!! It is soooo cute and funny! So that's all for today, maybe if something exciting happens to me then I will pst something else. Then again nothing exciting ever happens to me! Lol not really. My life is full of surprises! *sarcastic*

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The dance!!

Ok, so the dance was last night but there wasn't a whole lot of people there...but it was still super super fun! And guess what?? Joseph and Cason were there! And alot of the kids from Pocatello were there too! So as for the performance, my partner and I were following our teacher but then she did it wrong and so we did it wrong too! Man, it did not look professional at all! Anyway, the dance was sooooooo much fun!!!! I was so glad that I went! I almost decided not to go but then I did and it was alot of fun!!! Although I wish that Garet had been there but he wasn't. Back to the performance, one of our guys bailed cause he was sick. But then one of our guys who wasn't going to perform did and he took Romie's place so we were alright but now we don't know if the people who are doing dance this month are going to do it next month... :( The Polka was the funnest and I always dance the Polka with a girl so I danced it with Belle this time. Last time I danced it with Celeste. OMGoodness it was so funny and sad, but when Celeste was dancing the Cha-Cha with Brady, he turned her under and one of the straps on her dress broke so she borrowed mine and I borrowed Jency's which was sooooo cute it was long and yellow with like really thin straps but they weren't like spaghetti strps but they weren't cap sleeves either...but anyway so she had a yellow one and a pink one so Kathryn wore the pink one and I wore the yellow one and we looked so funny! Probably because we walked around together all night! Anyway, even if Garet had come I probably would have hung out with all the girls anyway, because the girls are soooo much more fun to be around! Guys talk about stupid video games and the girls talk about all the hot guys there! I was soooo glad that I got to be a girl in my performance! Last time we did a performance I had to play a guy! It stunk because I didn't know the guys part well enough and I kept messing up and wanting to do the girls part! So the fundraiser was a success and we earned enough money for at least one of us to go to Shakespeare Showdown. Although I had hoped we would have made more we made a good amont but then we had to pay for the building which was pretty expensive so anyway we ended up with not a whole lot of money but it was still way fun!! Besides I got to see Robert, Bret, Joseph, Cason, David and Romie again!! The girls all agree that they are like super-cute!! Well, except for Celeste, she only thinks that Bret, Cason, and Romie are cute she thinks that Joseph and David are HOTT!!!! And as for Robert, he's her brother! Lol, I love dances!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The dance again

Today we went to dance practice to practice for our performance and someone that I haven't seen in a very long time was there...Romie!! I was sooooo excited to see him! OMGoodness I love him! He is soooo funny! (I love him like a brother) He is the funniest kid ever! Anyway the dance is tomorrow night and I will fill you in when I get back!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The dance again

So I told you about the dance but one of the reasons that I was so excited to go was because a boy that I have only met online was going to go but then his parents said no and I was sooo sad! I was going to get all dressed up but now I have no one to get all dressed up for!

More school.

Here I am back from seminary and yet I am doing school again eventhough I really do not like to do school becasue I am always behind and there is never anything fun to do. But there are two subjects that I love and they are English and Art. I am in Honors English and it is sooooo much fun! I love my teacher! Her name is Mrs. Fitz and she is sooooo cool! I also have a friend on there and her name is Kira. She is the best! I do school online so we meet online in these things called elluminates and they are alot of fun!

Seminary and school

I am getting ready to go to seminary and even though I am not 14 yet I am going to be 14 next month and they made an exception. I know what you are thinking "If she is only 13 why is she a freshman in high school??" well the answer is that I skipped eighth grade because my mom thought that we would be taking a step backwards.

The dance!

The dance is this Friday and I am soooo excited! I will fill you in when I get home from it but it is going to be soooo much fun! I am going to perform the Cha-Cha and the Swing and the Waltz. I am so excited!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We have the cutest puppies! They just opened their eyes about five days ago and now are super adventurous! Their names are Iana (Ee-ann-uh), Anie (Au-nee), Sien (See-en), Kandine (Kin-dine), and Sckullar(Skuller). Sckullar is the most adventurous. We are going to keep Kandine. The whiniest is definately Iana! But we love her just the same.