Friday, May 15, 2009


I am in love. I love Jake all the way. I love how he is and I love his personality. He is just awesome. I also love his voice. It's so comforting! Ok, so yesterday when I went to dance I was like, no very good. I had no energy whatsoever and then I realized that it was because I hadn't talked to Jake on Tuesday or Wednesday night. I talk to him almost every night. He just makes me so happy! So then when I talked to him last night I was way tired but it was still really nice to hear his voice. Then, this morning I had dance practice at six and since I talked to him last night I was like almost hyper! And I did really good on the routine and my spins (which is good for me because I am really bad at spinning!) and now we are ready for our performance tomorrow night! Well, I love you Jake. For whenever you read this and I hope I see you soon! :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our last dance!

It's so sad! This is going to be our last dance! Mostly because Sonia and her husband are going on a mission so they have to sell the building...but for the floorshow we are going to do the gold Cha-Cha! I am so totally excited! We have lifts and drops and dips and spins and all the fun stuff that comes with open coreographing! I really wish that Jake could come but of course he has school. I lost a bet the other day and now Jake gets to read my journal *scowl*...I guess I will just have to make a new one. An improved one...even though the dance is going to be fun, I really really hate getting up at 5:20 to practice! One of the drops, we had to do over and over and over again! It totally killed the one leg muscle! I think I pulled it...not sure but it hurts! I started following Robert today! WOO-HOO! Robert is funny on his blog!